Mini exhibition ”Don’t call it a night yet”

In Latvian film history Aloizs Brenčs is known as expert of two genres: he made both highly successful, suspenseful, on-the-edge-of-your-seat detective films and heart-wrenching melodramas. Brenčs moved to fiction films after several years’ work in documentary field, and his films were often exceptional for their documentary precision.

The focus of this exhibition is on the detective films, and it is in this genre where Brenčs is at his most momentous self, exploring the concepts of good and evil, the societal structures and beliefs. His detective films always test the acuity of their viewers. Their geographical range is sweeping, too. This exhibition is dedicated to bars and nightclubs which in Brenčs’ films are indispensable to the plot: they’re one of the main locations in any city. Although Rīga remains his beloved city, time and again Brenčs brings his characters and viewers as far as Georgia, Baku or East Berlin.

The exhibition will be on display until November 15, 2019